eggman 🔵
eggman 🔵 (eggman.eth)
questions answered

gm all, given some recent rug-related events, I'm here to give my take on a long-pondered question; How should devs/founders sell tokens in their own project? Firstly; if you've not got 6+ figs in LP (MINIMUM), it shouldn't be via market sells. Even then, it STILL shouldn't be via market sells imo. Here are two (legitimate & chart-saving) ways to exit positions; 1) v3 liquidity pairs; place your stake into a v3 liquidity pair that converts into ETH as the price increases. Works like setting a limit order, and helps buy slippage to boot. Important not to over-allocate here as it can anchor the price (buys stop moving the chart), or having too much in there can act as a liquidity rug. 2) Bonds. Similar to the above, but usually managed. QuickSwap & ApeBond are two providers - they essentially offer your tokens OTC at a minor discount and have them vest over time, preventing arbitrage rektage. If you MUST market sell; limit price movements to a maximum of 0.5% impact per day (during positive action).

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