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Posted on 8/5/2024 to /base

You know what isn’t down? @zoz.eth's live Fan Token auction clearing price 24hs left

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based zoz


I got my bid in

Rockruff  Rockruff

Ok I bid


Can clearing price go down?😹

Cristian 🎩Cristian 🎩

Mmmmm this is a no brainer


Don't worry sir, 1 minute before the bid is finished it will increase drastically, you'll see😂

Bryhmo 🐭🎩🍖Bryhmo 🐭🎩🍖

At last!!!! Let's have it

HankMoody 🎩 HankMoody 🎩

Brilliant !. Can it be accessed from this same frame?

Fadil Fadil

Don't gotta shill I'm sat already

not_not_Duna 🎩🍖🧾➰not_not_Duna 🎩🍖🧾➰

Def gonna get it