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Posted on 8/1/2024 to /founders

I have a question for the founders. how you deal with overwhelming requests in a direction that you don't want. for example, I own a production company in Egypt. I get so many requests for music videos and events but my plane was to focus on movies and shows. even if short movies. So how to reduce this. and increase the demand in the way I want?

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Cassie HeartCassie Heart

the greater things get, the more you will have to say no. there is no shortcut. just say no.

meta-david🎩 | Building Scoop3meta-david🎩 | Building Scoop3

Depends on what your objectives are. I’d say serve what your prospects want, but if you’re really driven by passion for movies and shows, do more outreach to them. My gut tells me that you’re good at what you do, the latter is pretty competitive, and that’s why you’re getting a surge in demand for music videos. 🫡

Luigi Stranieri🎩🔵Luigi Stranieri🎩🔵

I’m not a founder but I can say to you that the best way is not reducing your actual income but grow the other one. Is not a switch thing, is a constant investment in a parallel business.